Registering industrial designs in Spain

Registro de diseños industriales en España

We often recognize and choose a product by its brand logo, packaging, container, casing, the way functional and dVery often, we recognise and choose a product because of its trademark logo, its wrapping, its packaging, its casing, the way in which utilitarian and decorative elements are arranged or other external details. All of these are … Read more

What is trademark cancellation and what are its implications?

cancelación de marcas

In the competitive world of business, registered trademarks represent one of the most valuable assets for any company. These trademarks not only differentiate products and services in the market, but also consolidate reputation. They also foster customer loyalty and facilitate immediate identification of the company. However, despite their importance, trademarks are not immune to cancellation. … Read more

SME Fund 2025 – Patent, designs, plant variety and trademark support in Europe

trademark support

Do you want more information? We will contact you without obligation. Name* City* Email* Phone (optional) Consentimiento* I accept the privacy policy* Consentimiento I agree to receive commercial and informative communications about the sector and ISERN. EmailEste campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios. Controller: Isern Patentes y Marcas, S.L. Purpose: … Read more

What are certification trademarks and how do they benefit companies?

marcas de certificación

Certification marks play a crucial role in the protection of consumers and in the differentiation of products and services in the market. Unlike trademarks, which identify the business origin of a product or service, European Union (EU) certification marks guarantee that a good or service meets certain objective requirements in terms of quality, composition, method … Read more

Crowdsourcing and innovation: the role of patents in open collaboration

Crowdsourcing e innovación

Crowdsourcing and innovation is a combination that is transforming the way companies approach their search and development (R&D) processes. Instead of relying solely on their internal teams, many companies are beginning to explore more collaborative and open approaches to generating new ideas and solutions. This has given rise to open innovation. In this context, patent … Read more

The importance of how to protect our trademark and how to do it

proteger nuestra marca

Clearly, in today’s fast-paced business environment, unfair competition lurks in every market space. For this reason, protecting our trademark has become a fundamental aspect of protecting the image of our products and services, as well as our organisation in general. Incidentally, we must not forget that any infringement of our trademark rights is equally detrimental … Read more

Drafting and negotiating contracts for the assignment of intellectual property rights

Cómo redactar y negociar contratos para la cesión de derechos de propiedad intelectual

The assignment of intellectual property rights is a critical issue in commercial agreements, as it involves transferring ownership of intellectual creations, such as inventions, artistic works or trademarks, from one party to another. In today’s context, where innovation and ideas are invaluable assets, knowing how to draft and negotiate contracts governing these rights is essential … Read more

Patent procedure: basic issues

Procedimiento de las patentes

The patent process is a structured way to protect and promote innovations and technological development. From the filing of the application to the Grant, innovators must carefully examine the requirements and processes established by the competent official bodies. Join us to learn about the basic principles that make up the patent process. We will help … Read more

New market opportunities with the EU-MERCOSUR Agreement

The agreement between the European Union and MERCOSUR reached on 6 December, which must be ratified by member states, represents a historic opportunity to strengthen economic and trade ties between the two regions. With provisions promoting liberalisation of trade in goods and services, harmonisation of technical standards and robust protection of intellectual property (IP) rights … Read more