Internet, domain names and new technologies

We make the Internet your partner

Ever since domain names became more than a purely technical concept and turned into the “Internet trademark”, a whole range of services arose around this concept. The aim is to protect the name at all costs.

We create an entire strategy for your Internet trademark channel that begins with a viability study of the domain names and ends with the implementation of the trademark in Search Engines and Social Networks. Our integral management will allow you to safely invest in your Marketing Online campaign and will also provide you with all the legal protection required for your trademark to survive in a global stage filled with competitors.

As we are Trademark Agents and Accredited Domain Name Agents we will ensure full global protection. Specialised legal consultancy will also be made available to you at all times, allowing your company to provide security to your online clients. We are accredited agents from .es, .eu and global territories.

How can we help you?

Domain name registration

National and international.

Domain names

Comprehensive management of domain name portfolios.

Disputes and piracy

Resolution of disputes and domain name and Internet trademark piracy.

Domain name reports

Reports on the status of a trademark in terms of domain name worldwide.

Entry of domain names

Entry into the corresponding companies registry.


Reports on the current and past ownership of a domain name (whois and historical who was data).

Online legal consultancy

Online legal consultancy regarding the rights of new technologies.


New technologies contracts, revision and adaptation of contracts.

Positioning and channels of Internet trademarks.

Web page audits

Domain name monitoring

Protection of trademark law on the Internet

Register your domain name now