Socially responsible
We are a socially responsible entity. We do our bit to build a better, more dignified and egalitarian society. The success of ISERN is based on our proximity to society, knowing and accompanying people in the needs we can meet.
For all this, we always seek alliances with committed partners such as Cáritas, UNICEF and other non-governmental organisations working for a better world. We carry out and collaborate with social communication actions.
Our company subscribes to the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact in favour of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption.
Committed to innovation
At ISERN Patentes y Marcas we have a ‘pro bono’programme to help those people who want to launch their personal and professional project, but do not have sufficient resources to do so with full guarantees.
We are involved in the work of universities and schools, where we value intellectual property. We create links between young students and companies so that they have their first job opportunities and can continue their education.
We support entrepreneurship and start-ups with specific plans for their projects and launches. Entrepreneurs are the engines of society.