ISERN leads European ranking in trademark filing

First firm in EU international trademark applications

euipo 2022 - top 50 representatives
Fuente: Robert Leading

Once again this year, ISERN Patentes y Marcas leads one of the most important European rankings, that of EU trademark filings with the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The ranking, created using official EUIPO data and compiled by Robert Reading, is led by firms working mainly with owners from China. These applications are somewhat controversial and are being investigated by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

For this reason, the ranking is usually divided between filings made from China and filings made from any other country, excluding China. In this chart, ISERN is the undisputed leader in EU trademark filings of non-Chinese origin, being the first firm to top this European ranking.

TOP 25 by number of EU trademarks held by Spanish owners

top 25 representatives - eutms received of owners of the country

According to the data extracted from the EUIPO, ISERN Patentes y Marcas is the second firm in terms of the number of European trademark applications filed by Spanish owners, with a historical total of 8,581 trademarks. In other words, since the EUIPO has been compiling data, ISERN is on the podium of the firms that have processed the most trademark applications at European level from Spain. It should be borne in mind that the number one ranking contains all those applications filed without a representative, so it is not taken into consideration in terms of the ranking of firms.

Top 25 by number of international trademarks designating the EU

top 25 representatives - ias received of owners of the country

This ranking takes into account the number of international trademark applications from the European Union, made through the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO), and which designate the EUIPO. ISERN leads the table of intellectual property firms in Spain. One of the main reasons for this leadership is due to the large client portfolios that ISERN manages with a special interest in international markets, which means that many strategies are directed through the WIPO.

These European application rankings show that ISERN Patentes y Marcas continues to lead, for yet another year, the number of new trademark applications in the EU, either before the EUIPO or through WIPO.

ISERN, as part of its commitment to being a driving force for intellectual property in Spain and Europe, works to enhance the security and protection of all owners of trademarks, designs and other forms of intellectual property.

If you have any questions about Trademarks, Designs or Patents, please contact us

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